It is with great sadness the directors and wider community of NRCL and the Natural resources Conservation Trust pass on our sympathies to the family of life member Don Oberin on his recent passing.

Don Oberin and Lynn Murrell. Don who joined the NRCL in 1972 and was twice President and life member, was a farmer, prominent businessman leading an international motel chain, an Echuca City Councillor, member of Campaspe Shire Economic Development Board and a leader of the Murray Darling Association. Don focussed on balancing regional development and conservation and had particular interests in catchment management and irrigation. Don’s interest in forest conservation had been first stimulated by childhood memories of the destruction wrought by the 1939 fires, and by an abiding fascination for the role that trees could play in habitat conservation – especially in the preservation of birds.
Jon Hutchins – NRCL Chair.