NRCT is thrilled to announce that EOIs are now open for youth engagement in forest conservation projects. Up to $150,000 in total is being made available by the Trust. Expressions of Interest with be announced soon.
Shortlisted EoIs will then be invited to further develop their project ideas and successful project ideas will then be invited to apply for a Trust grant.
Applicants should be aged 30 or under to be eligible.
The Board encourages submissions in any form including video that showcase the proposed project ideas. Send video files via WeTransfer (up to 2GB free of charge).
Please forward your submissions to [email protected].
We’ve always been there for Victorians when it matters.
The Natural Resources Conservation League (NRCL) has its origins in the devastating 1939 bushfires in Victoria. Formed in 1944, originally as the Save the Forests Campaign, the NRCL has a long history of building the capacity of the Victorian community to actively participate in, and influence conservation and natural resource management issues. It has always had a practical focus, seeking to promote change through education, partnering and promoting community engagement in revegetation.
2023 marks a new era, with the commencement of grantmaking from the new Natural Resources Conservation Trust. NRCL has established the Natural Resources Conservation Trust (NRCT), an exciting philanthropic initiative that aims to be a significant partner, supporting and building the capacity of community based Landcare and Natural Resource Management networks engaged in landscape restoration. NRCT also aims to partner with like minded, for purpose entities focused on carbon drawdown and biodiversity improvements.

Granting goals
By December 2025, the Trust will have invested in nature based solutions, including carbon drawdown, that protect and enhance the natural environment. The Trust has established these 5 Granting Goals in its first 5 years of operation which are to:
Build capacity for private landowners/managers to implement carbon drawdown & enhance natural resources.
For example:
- Revegetation projects, seed collection.
- Tree plantings.
- Covenenting high biodiversity areas.
Provide small and large widespread grants that support capacity building in communities to achieve positive change in the protection of natural resources.
For example:
- Landcare projects.
- Peer to peer learning or Networking.
- Skills projects such as Master Tree Growers courses etc.
Identify and fund at least one bold and innovative project that can’t be funded elsewhere.
For example:
- High risk, high return projects.
- Research projects.
- New innovation ideas.
Provide large, localised grants that demonstrate the co-existence of commercial agriculture and enhancement of natural resources.
For example:
- Agroforestry.
- Pest plant and animal control.
- Enhancing high biodiversity areas.
Promote outcomes achieved and learnings derived to secure uptake by the broader community.
For Example:
- Shared learning.
- Educational experiences.
- Youth engagement initiatives.
Grants awarded to date

Application process
New grant round announced
Our website will be update dto announce new grant opportunities
Apply for grants
Potential grantees can apply for funds through the specified pathway
Grantees notified
Successful grantees will be notified of their application outcome
Get notified
How often will grants be available?
Grantmaking will generally occur once per year, however Proactive grants may be sought at any time.
What size grants are available?
The NRCT Board will offer a range of grants, commensurate with each funding round. For Round 1 grants, these ranged from $20,000 to $300,000 for a multi year project. Round 2 grants and funding availability has yet to be determined. Potential applicants should seek funding partners in any application and don’t expect NRCT to fund the full cost of any project.
Who can apply?
To be eligible for Trust funding, the applicant must:
- If an individual, provide your TFN
- If not an individual, provide your ABN, details on entity type* and GST registration status
- If an income exempt charity, provide evidence of current ACNC registration
Other eligibility criteria may apply for specific grants or funding rounds.
*Your organisation must have a charitable purpose or purposes. Your organisation’s ‘purpose’ is what your organisation has been set up to achieve. The Charities Act 2013 (Cth) lists twelve charitable purposes, including advancing the natural environment and other similar purposes ‘beneficial to the general public’.
NRCT will not fund any of the following:
- Expenditure already incurred
- Expenditure primarily incurred outside of Australia
- Expenditure that requires only Cash payments of any currency
- Expenditure without provision of an acceptable tax invoice
- Expenditure that increases Climate change risks, including:
- Environmental degradation
- Old-growth logging
- Heavy polluters
- Mining, including the exploration, production or transport
- of fossil fuels
- Expenditure on unacceptable products and services including:
- Armaments
- Tobacco
- Alcohol
- Gambling
How do I apply?
Subject to the grant approach NRCT is using for a particular grant round, forms will be available on our website. If a closing date is provided, no late applications will be accepted.
Where forms are provided, applicants must use this form for the basis of their application. This is to ensure that NRCT consistently evaluates all applications received. Additional information can be attached to the application form provided as necessary.
The successful grant recipient must agree to promote the project in all media forms required by NRCT. This will include provision of information for newsletters, website, social media, attendance at forums etc to share their learnings and generally increase community awareness. Specific requirements, including branding and use of (any) NRCT logo will be agreed with each Grantee prior to project commencement. Grantees must not commence in communications and engagement activities prior to project commencement.
When will funding announcements be made?
The next round of funding announcements is expected to be made in November 2024
Who do I speak to/where can I get more info?
The only contact is NRCT’s Executive Officer, using the contact form provided.