NRCT Proud to support 2025 Nuffield Scholar, Tom Polkinghorne

NRCT table banner at the Nuffield Award Dinner in Launceston earlier this month.

In September, Tom Polkinghorne was announced as the NRCT-sponsored 2025 Nuffield Scholar. The $40,00 bursary from NRCT will allow Tom to study how livestock producers, under increasing pressure to be productive and efficient, can rise to this challenge while achieving environmental outcomes.

NRCT identified an opportunity to work with Nuffield Australia on a conservation-based research topic related to agriculture and Tom was chosen from a competitive field of applicants. 

Nuffield Australia awards scholarships each year to farmers in Australia. The objective is to increase practical farming knowledge and management skills and techniques generally. These scholarships give Australian citizens the opportunity to study farming practices in New Zealand, Europe, Asia and the Americas and those countries best suited to the scholar. They will also promote a closer understanding between farmers in the countries visited. 

I believe productive and efficient farms and farming systems which incorporate environmental outcomes can optimise profitability, lower carbon emission intensity and underpin social licence,” Tom said.

There are increasing opportunities for livestock producers to improve environmental outcomes, whether that be through planting trees, managing soil health and ground cover, controlling pests and weeds and regenerating natural assets.”

Tom plans to travel to Europe, New Zealand, the USA and within Australia. Upon returning to Australia it is expected that scholars will be able to actively spread the knowledge and understanding they have gained among their fellow farmers and others.

Through this scholarship, I hope to make an important contribution to the livestock industry’s capacity to cope with an increasingly variable climate and increasing pressure to offset or inset emissions from ruminant animals,” Tom said.

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Nuffield scholar Tom Polkinghorne (L) & NRCT Board Member Hugh Stewart (R) who represented the Trust at the Nuffield Award Dinner in Launceston earlier this month.